Hey there again folks! We’ve been puttin some miles on the ole tires the last few weeks traveling around the Midwest and the South Central US. Enjoyed seeing family and friends in Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas.
Don’t you know we saw a lot of nice rides traveling the highways and byways, and quite a few head turners. It was quite the adventure, but we’re happier to be back home than a ringless Frodo.
I should have plenty of car related stories to share over the next few weeks, but for now I will leave you with this one…
Have you ever had a foreboding sense that something on the road was creeping up on you? I wonder if the drivers of the vehicles going in the opposite direction (in this video) felt the sense that something was about to happen?
Well, you are about to call me a liar, but I swear to you that I saw this… We were driving on a US Hwy outside of Omaha, NE and had stopped at a small filling station. We were out in the country, and you could see for miles in either direction. While filling up, I looked down the road and about a mile away I could see a sports car racing a small lightweight aircraft. Definitely not as cool as a Fighter Jet racing a rocket powered land monster, but it was still cool to watch. They were both flying down the road without there seeming to be an endpoint to their machine driven tussle. Eye candy for the day.
Livin the Modified Life…